Maria Merritt at 3315 Sheffield is asking for support. HACLA is threatening to move her on Wednesday October 9 without any guarantee that a replacement Apt is ready. Maria had knee surgery that has not healed. Last week Maria accidentally dropped a glass fixture that made a deep 3 inch gash near that surgery. HACLA is trying to put Maria in a shelter, where she might get an infection. Maria’s doctors have warned that an infection in this area can result in death or amputation.
Maria is asking that you visit her, that you accompany her. Come and hear from her what HACLA is trying to do. Maria is asking that you help block this eviction scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th 2024.
She is inviting you all to start occupying her house starting now. She will guide you to set up shifts.
3315 Sheffield, Los Angeles 90032. Call her for updates and more information. +1 (323) 425-6842
Citywide tenants have been experiencing high levels of housing insecurity as, WE, are struggling to remain housed. We understand we are fighting against the same rhetorical imperialist forces that steal land and displace our families while they bomb Gaza, the Congo, the Philippines and the rest of the Global South.
#No2Displacement #HousingisAHumanRight
#OurHomesOurLand #reclaimingourhomes #REMAIN #reclaim #ROH #CALTRANSdiaries #HACLAdiaries
Join us in solidarity to fill the Stanley Courthouse, 111 N. Hill Street, LA, CA 90022 on Tuesday, July 9 at 1pm at Dept 93 on the 6th floor.
We will be offering shuttle rides from your parking:
Los inquilinos de toda la ciudad han estado experimentando altos niveles de inseguridad habitacional mientras NOSOTROS estamos luchando por permanecer alojados. Entendemos que estamos luchando contra las mismas fuerzas imperialistas retóricas que roban tierras y desplazan a nuestras familias mientras bombardean Gaza, el Congo, Filipinas y el resto del Sur Global.
#noaldesplazamiento #LaViviendaesUnDerechoHumano #NuestrosHogaresNuestrasTierras #ReclamandoNuestrosHogares #PERMANECER #reclamar #diariosdeCaltrans #diariosdeHACLA
Únase a nosotros en solidaridad para llenar el Palacio de Justicia de Stanley, 111 N. Hill Street, LA, CA 90022 el martes 9 de julio a la 1 p. m. en el Departamento 93 en el sexto piso.
Estaremos ofreciendo traslados desde su estacionamiento: